Tapton School - Ranmoor Carol Concert

Tapton School - Ranmoor Carol Concert - Thursday 14th December 2023, 7pm-8:30pm at Ranmoor Church
A chance to stop and enjoy the serene and reflective nature of Christmas set in the beautiful surroundings of Ranmoor Church. Starting with an unaccompanied solo of Once in Royal David's City in the darkness, this concert features our choirs, Senior Orchestra and soloists. Candles, exquisite music, and festive readings.
On Thursday 14th December 2023, 7pm-8:30pm at Ranmoor Church.
There is still a chance to get your tickets to the Tapton School Christmas Concert and the Tapton School Carol Concert at St Johns, Ranmoor if you haven’t got yours yet. Tickets are available through ParentPay or contact enquiries@taptonschool.co.ukPlease enter some content for your news story here.
Tickets for both concerts will be available to book and pay for through ParentPay. Tickets for one concert are £5, tickets for both concerts ar £8. For ticket enquiries contact enquiries@taptonschool.co.uk