At Tapton we understand the importance of quality careers education. We aim to help our students make realistic and aspirational plans for their future learning and careers pathways, manage transitions and ultimately realise their life chances by providing high-quality careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG). Young people have a wide and exciting range of opportunities available to them and we will support them to make an informed decision by providing relevant information.
We aspire for all our students to progress onto the right Post-16 and Post-18 destinations for them and our programme aims to encourage students to consider their interests, develop skills and ultimately achieve their goals. The programme helps students gain an understanding of the labour market and the relevance of their studies in potential careers.
At Tapton we are committed to working towards the Quality in Careers Standard. A parents' toolkit for career conversations ( All careers provision delivered at Tapton is defined by the Gatsby Benchmarks:
1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experience of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance.
Mrs Williams our Careers Leader coordinates the careers programme, including liaison with students, parents, teachers, employers and Post-16 providers.
Telephone: 0114 2671414
Careers provision is constantly reviewed. Our careers policy and provider access policy can be found at the bottom of this page.
Careers Programmes
Whole School
Form Time During Form time all students receive opportunities to meet and have encounters with Employer/Experience of Work place/Post 16 FE options/Post 18 HE encounters For further information please contact Mr Sabbagh, |
LMI assembly Each year group will have an assembly that is age-appropriate focusing on local labour market updates and opportunities. This aims to ensure all students know about the local industry and skills required for these in demand roles. For further information please contact Mrs Williams, |
Unifrog Is a tool for students to research career opportunities and identify action points to work towards these goals. The site covers apprenticeships, University and College. All students will be given the opportunity to learn how to navigate the platform and how to record meaningful encounters and experiences that they have had throughout their time at school. For further information please contact Mrs Williams, |
Careers Carousel Careers Carousel will provide students with the opportunities to meet with a range of employees. Students will undertake a range of tasks to identify skills and competencies required for the sector. For further information please contact Mrs Williams, |
Careers in Personal Development Lessons In KS3 and KS5 all students receive weekly lessons on Personal Health Social and Economic Education. At KS4 students receive 10 drop-down mornings one form time per week on Personal Health Social and Economic Education. As part of this provision students receive age-appropriate information on career opportunities, employment rights, further education and progression guidance. Staff responsible: Assistant Headteacher for PD |
1:1 Careers Interviews by referral Throughout the year all Year 11 students will have the opportunity to attend a one-to-one careers interview with a qualified careers advisor. A report will be produced for each student highlighting their current ideas, aspirations and possible pathways to achieve their goals. These are shared with students and parents/carers. For further information please contact Mrs Williams, |
Year 7 Unifrog and Careers Survey Raising Aspiration session Employer Encounter |
Year 8 Unifrog and Careers Survey Subject Choice Evening Careers Carousel Student Reception Work Experience Employer Encounter |
Year 9 Unifrog and Careers Survey Careers Carousel GCSE Curriculum Evening Brilliant Club Employer Encounter |
If you are an employer and would like to take part in any of our Careers events or offer a work experience placement please contact, Mrs Williams,
Year 10 Unifrog and Careers Survey Next Steps Event Sheffield Progress and Post 16 Options to Personal Development & Career Drop Down Day Work Experience Employer Encounter Weekly Career Activity during Form Time |
Year 11 Unifrog and Careers Survey Next Steps Event Destination Event Apprenticeship Fair Career Drop Down Mornings - Sheffield Progress and Post 16 Options One-to-One Careers Interviews - With independent Careers Advisor 6th Form Open Evening Weekly Career Activity during Form Time |
If you are an employer and would like to take part in any of our Careers events or offer a work experience placement please contact, Mrs Williams,
Year 12 The Year Ahead Evening UK University and Apprenticeship Fair Post 18 Evening One-to-One Careers Interviews - With independent Careers Advisor Work Experience Destination Day Weekly Career Activity during Form Time |
Year 13 The Year Ahead Evening Apprenticeship Fair Mock Interviews (inc. Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI) Practice) Early Entrance Exam Mocks One-to-One Careers Interviews - With independent Careers Advisor Work Experience Weekly Career Activity during Form Time |
If you are an employer and would like to take part in any of our Careers events or offer a work experience placement please contact, Mrs Williams,
Work Experience
As a school we place huge value on work experience. It provides an opportunity for pupils to develop the skills needed to contact businesses and show the qualities they have for working in a particular environment; a work experience placement will help them learn more about the working world and experience the links between school and the workplace.
Early organisation of placements is important where possible. Students in Year 10 are able to take part in one full week of work experience from Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July 2024. Students in Year 12 are able to book 5 days of work experience at any point during the school year with consent from the school. All work experience is managed using the Unifrog placement tool and a video on how this works is below.
Parent/Carers can have their own account on Unifrog too. To sign up select the ‘Been given a sign up code’ option to the right of the Unifrog Home Page. Follow this link Sign In - Unifrog and use Sign up code: TPTNparents (case sensitive).
Work experience offers many benefits and opportunities. In particular, it helps students to:
- Start to develop, and to see in action, the key employability skills of leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication;
- Improve self-reliance, flexibility and the ability to work with others;
- Learn about the world of work and gain an insight into the skills and attitudes required by employers.
Work Experience Guidance Booklet
If you are an employer and would like to take part in any of our Careers events or offer a work experience placement please contact, Mrs Williams,
What Career is Right for me Quiz
Career Guidance
All students in Year 11 will have a careers interview during school time before the Sheffield Progress Post-16 application deadline of the 31st January. The careers interview is with an independent Careers Advisor. Careers guidance is available to students in Sixth Form on request and students in other year groups may be offered the opportunity before year 11.
We use Sheffield Progress to support our students in their Post -16 course choices and making application after their GCSE’s. The deadline for applications is to be confirmed. Please see the guidance below on how to complete an application.
Sheffield Progress Guide to Using the Prospectus
If you are a parent/carer of a pupil and would like to attend their careers interview please contact, Mrs Williams,
Destinations Information